Sunday, January 26, 2003

OK, the night is just getting worse.

I was backing up my Buddy List for AIM... So I used my other screen in order to load the Buddy List on that screen name and AIM keeps it for me.

What did I find out?

A friend that I used to trust blocked me. I was just starting to wonder why he hasn't been on for this long time and I haven't heard from him since we got back... Now I know why. He blocked me. For what reason? I don't know. I guess he doesn't want to tell me. And I guess... 3 years of friendship with me doesn't really mean anything.

This is just getting more interesting by the second.

Am I really this horrible person that no one wants to be my friend? If I am, why do people even bother pretending? Why don't they just tell it to my face?



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