Thursday, April 14, 2005

My camera is broken

My digital camera is broken. It's not broken to the point where I can't use it, it just doesn't give me my memory card!

Which gives me an excuse to get the Canon 20D I want.

Ian, it's time for me to get the camera. (and the scooter)

First attempt of fudge making

I like fudge. It is so sweet, to the point where you can't really eat a whole piece of it without gulphing down tea with it.
Funny how I never tried to make it before.

My students are reading a story called Dragon Gets By where this silly Dragon goes shopping when he has absolutely no food left at home. He did a balanced diet shopping which included chocolate fudge pops... Then he gets to his car and realized he couldn't fit all the food into the car. So he eats it all and can't get himself into the car.

Pretty silly for my taste. But that's just me.
My students love it. They can't stop reading it.

So in honor of my students... here's my first attempt of making fudge. Not too bad I guess considering I totally forgot about using a thermometer for candy making.

It's for you Biki...I promised that I will update my blog. And remember that time when I sent you a picture of the meat pies I made? Yeah... here's the fudge for ya. Next time I bake, I will send you some via pictures :)

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