I started making this bag back in July when I got a surprise night off from work. We had some storms and the power at the school was down for a long time. After a couple of hours, they finally decided to cancel the classes... I went to quilting class.
I've seen my elementary school classmate's mom using the same bag. I thought, back then, it's too "elegant" and fancy for my taste. But the concept of folding fabric into flowers was too intriguing for me... So I decided to make it anyways.
It took me a very very very very very very long time. I never thought it would take this long. It just didn't seem like it was too difficult to make. The actual folding part took a long time, because each flower piece had to be folded individually and sewn together. After making 21 pieces, I had to sew all the pieces together. Six sides each, times 21 pieces, add another 4 diamond shaped pieces... Yeah, that's a lot of sewing.
Finally I finished it. I had to go to the class when it was pouring out. But I just had to do it. I couldn't stand it anymore. I can't stand it when I have one bag that's taking too long.
The typhoon was coming... So I took the bag out quickly before the sun disappeared and got a picture taken. That night, I gave it to my aunt. :-P I mean, if I don't see myself using it, why not share with the family??